+373 533 74155
Jewish community

Jewish Center in Pridnestrovie

We operate:

  • Hesed - charitable and cultural center.
  • Synagogue - a meeting place for the religious part of the Jewish community.
  • Community - Dealing with issues of Jewish identity, maintenance of memorials, burial sites, community issues.

Our goal:

  • Preservation of cultural and religious traditions of the Jewish people.
  • Development of inter-ethnic relations in the spirit of friendship.
  • Strengthening cultural ties and cooperation with other countries.
  • Providing charitable assistance and services to people in need.
Jewish communities of Pridnestrovie
Map of the Jewish communities of Transnistria

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We keep traditions

We pay great attention to the traditions and customs of the Jewish people and consider it important to preserve history, passing it on to future generations. The doors of our synagogue are always open, and on holidays and memorable dates we strive to gather together in our common Jewish Center.

Shabbat: 21 Tamuz 5784
On Friday July 26, 2024
Lighting candles at 20:23
Exodus of Shabbat at 21:35
Weekly chapter: Pinchas

Holocaust in Transnistria

More than a dozen concentration camps and ghettos were created on Transnistrian soil. One of the first tasks of the occupying power was "final decision" Jewish question.

Jews in Pridnestrovie

Jews have long lived on the territory of Pridnestrovie, mainly in ancient cities. Breeders, merchants, financiers, musicians, writers - the contribution of Jews to the economy and culture is difficult to overestimate.

Jewish cemeteries

There are numerous Jewish cemeteries in Pridnestrovie. Some of them are old and abandoned, some are active. 

News and events

2 weeks ago

Today our Rybnitsa clients feel like real artists, and our Rybnitsa resident, a talented artist and a good person, helped them in this. Anastasia showed her artistic techniques, and our students repeated them in their compositions. Tired and satisfied, our clients went home, carrying their own painting in their hands. #JDC #HesedRybnitsa

3 weeks ago

On July 7, Hesed clients attended the closing of the International Festival “Piano Nights”, which was held in the capital’s Palace of the Republic. The music of Saint-Saëns, Jacques Ibert, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Maurice Ravel was played. Guests from France performed together with the Pridnestrovian symphony orchestra: composer and musician Laurent Couzon, he was the conductor, and the talented pianist Guillaume Vincent was at the piano. The concert gave our students a lot of pleasure, once again demonstrating the healing power of music. Even those who complained of feeling unwell from the heat forgot about their ailments. #JDC #HesedTiraspol

3 weeks ago

On Sunday evening, July 7, our young members of the Community from the AJT Junior children's club escaped the heat in the cinema🎥. The guys watched a fascinating cartoon about human feelings and emotions. After the screening, there was a heated discussion of the film, where everyone was able to speak about the importance of feelings in our lives. #AJTTIR #Hesedclub

4 weeks ago

🧵✂In June, two meetings were held as part of the “Beauty and Comfort” program of the “Active Longevity” project, supported by World Jewish Relief. These events brought together representatives of the golden age, who with great pleasure meet to communicate, do something for themselves or other members of the community. ✂Our needlewomen cut, sewed and sorted out padding polyester with great skill, and the result was excellent seat cushions for the car, headrest cushions, as well as a comfortable seat cushion for our Tatyana Olegovna, who is slowly returning “to duty.” ❤️During these meetings, a special atmosphere reigns, where each participant feels like part of a large and friendly family. Creativity brings people together. #WJR #HesedTiraspol

4 weeks ago

🎭Representatives of the golden age of our community today had a unique opportunity to attend the premiere at the Pridnestrovian Drama and Comedy Theater named after. Aronetskaya and enjoy the play “The Temptation of Dorian Gray”. 🎭The main idea of the performance turned out to be deep and relevant: human vices and the hidden ugly soul cannot be hidden under the mask of a beautiful appearance. It is important to fight the very essence of our vices, not allowing selfishness to take over our soul. The gorgeous production plunged the audience into a world of temptation and internal struggle. Olga Yakimchenko’s dance performances immersed the viewer on stage in a special atmosphere. The performances of all the actors were mesmerizing. ✨ This production by director Denis Baburin left an unforgettable impression not only on our elderly, who will discuss and share their emotions for a long time, but also on all viewers. Bravo to the entire creative team for such an amazing performance! 🎭✨ 🔥🔥The production is fire! Thanks to the volunteers for the photo support! #RVC #HesedTiraspol

4 weeks ago

❤️ Excellent report from the TSV channel: interesting, informative and kind.

4 weeks ago

Yesterday, June 28, a gala concert dedicated to the celebration of Family Day, Love and Fidelity and the Year of Family Values was held in the large hall of the Palace of the Republic. The State Symphony Orchestra, the State Choir, the folk dance and music ensemble “Viorica”, circus performers and family tandems performed on stage. An exhibition of works from the collections of the Larionov Art Museum was presented in the foyer. Incredibly beautiful musical and circus performances brought a lot of pleasure to Hesed clients who visited the event. In Judaism, family is considered sacred. Good deeds, respect and love for each other make the family stronger and stronger. We wish everyone a strong family and family harmony! (Shlom byte) #JDC #HesedTiraspol

1 month ago

✂️This week a master class was held as part of the Volunteer Center RVC “Crazy Hands” project for our elderly clients, where they not only engaged in creative activities, but also developed their fine motor skills. Using decoupage techniques and elegant napkins, they created real masterpieces. Each participant carefully and slowly moved towards her goal. Time flew by, but it allowed me to bring my ideas to life and create wonderful works that will remind me of this day and its atmosphere. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

1 month ago

Today the final game of the AJT QUIZ of this season took place.🇮🇱 Our guys from the AJT teenage club fought with teams from Chisinau, Odessa, Karaganda, Almaty, Bishkek, Krivoy Rog and others.. In 5 rounds of intense competition on the topics: “The birth of Zionism, waves of aliyah , history and wars of Israel" the guys demonstrated good preparation and knowledge of the material. Result - 🥈2nd place in the international AJT QUIZ🎉 🫶We thank our colleagues for organizing such events and look forward to new meetings.🪬 #AJT #Hesedclub #QUIZAJT #Jewish

1 month ago

👍👩‍🔧Today our event became a real inspiration for our volunteers. 🪑The chair restoration workshop was not only an opportunity to give new life to unsightly objects, but also a step towards helping those in need in our Community. Our volunteers, with great dedication and inspiration, transformed old and worn-out chairs and stools into real works of art. ⚒🪑This small step in renovating furniture is a big step towards supporting the elderly in our community. Many of them have pieces of furniture at home that need repair, and our efforts are aimed at making their lives more comfortable and cozy. 🤝An incredibly positive atmosphere reigned during the work, and the enthusiasm of the participants was off the charts. Our plans for the future are ambitious, and we are confident that together we can achieve even greater heights in supporting our community members. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

1 month ago

❤️The meeting of Saturday in a sincere family atmosphere filled the hearts of those present with warmth and joy. Volunteers spent Shabbat within the walls of our Hesed on Friday. 🕯️ The candles burned brightly, reminding us of light and hope, and prayer 🙏 filled the space with peace. 🫶On this day, everyone felt unity with loved ones and with the world around us, and this made this Shabbat truly special. #HesedTiraspol #RVC

1 month ago

Yesterday another meeting of Hesed clients in Rybnitsa took place. Each meeting is unique and interesting, as well as instructive. Yesterday's topic was about an amazing, kind and very religious person - Abramovich, Chaim-Zanvl, known as the Rybnitsa Rebbe. Our wards have memories of meeting with the Rebbe, they are personally familiar with his way of life, and our guests from the Rybnitsa library brought biography and written reviews of people whom Chaim-Zanvl helped. This knowledge needs to be passed on from generation to generation about the lives of outstanding people of the world, and especially of their country. #JDC#HesedRybnitsa

1 month ago

For 110 years, the JDC has changed and adapted to save lives and promote a more positive future for Jews. And as the world continues to change, we will always be on the lookout for new challenges.

1 month ago

💿🎶Tonight, representatives of the golden age of our community attended a symphonic music concert led by Igor Moiseiko. 🎶The majestic sounds of the orchestra, the unique atmosphere and exquisite music became a real delight for all lovers of symphonic works🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎼This event was not just a concert, but a true holiday for all those present. The audience enjoyed the performance of classical works and discovered new facets of musical art. 🎼The chic atmosphere created by the sound of strings, wind and percussion instruments filled the hall with magic and sublimity. 🫶We thank our partners Tiraspol Palace of the Republic for the invitation cards💐💐💐💐

1 month ago

🌾 These days we celebrate Shavuot. Shavuot, also known as the Feast of Weeks, is one of the key holidays in the Jewish calendar. The celebration of Shavuot includes several traditions and customs. 🥛 one of them is to eat dairy products. This symbolizes the purity and novelty of the acquired knowledge and Torah. Therefore, today our team of young members of the AJT JUNIOR Community visited the Parkansky dairy plant "Blagoda". During the excursion, the guys saw how production works, visited various workshops, saw how kefir, cheese and feta cheese are made, and learned interesting facts about these products. The exciting excursion was a breeze. And in the finale, the guys received delicious gifts from the plant! 🍧 We express our gratitude to @blagoda.pmmk Parkansky MMK "Blagoda" for the hospitality! 🇮🇱 May this time of celebration become a source of inspiration, strengthening faith and unity for all of us. We wish you all health, happiness and peace in your homes. 🎉Chag Shavuot Sameach! #AJTTIR #Hesedclub #Shavuot #Jewish

2 months ago

Last Sunday, our teenagers from AJT went on a fun and exciting water kayaking trip along the Dniester. The rafting was dedicated to Jerusalem Day🇮🇱. The 40 km water route took a lot of energy, but gave our teenagers a lot of emotions and impressions. At rest stops, over a cup of tea, the guys shared their impressions. Their path was difficult, like the history of Jerusalem, but the result was worth it. #AJT #Hesedclub

2 months ago

This Sunday, our youngest members of the Community - the AJT JUNIUOR boys - visited the cinema. A fascinating film about a summer camp gave a lot of emotions and inspired the team to create their own summer camp!🤗 Also, the guys, before and after the film, discussed the upcoming holiday of Shavuot.🥛 Everyone shared their thoughts on how it can be held and what is needed for this. So we already have plans for celebrating Shavuot 😉 #AJTTIR #Hesedclub

2 months ago

Our next meeting of the Rybnitsa club program with a wonderful lecturer - Yakov Mikhailovich Galperin. As always, the meeting took place in a warm, homely atmosphere. #JDC #HesedRybnitsa

2 months ago

“And eternity is Jerusalem” Jerusalem Day is celebrated on Iyar 28 (or a date close to this day). During the Six-Day War during the battles for Jerusalem on 28 Iyar 5727 (7/6/1967), Israel liberated East Jerusalem from Jordanian control, extending sovereignty to this part of the city. As General Moshe Dayan declared on that day in 1967: “Jerusalem is united and will never be divided.” Jerusalem Day is a symbol of historical justice for the Jewish world. Congratulations on Jerusalem Day. We wish everyone hope, peace and prosperity! #JCT #HesedTirasol

2 months ago

Today our youngest members of the Community from the AJT JUNIOR club visited the contact zoo @zoopark.belkapmr "PMR Squirrel".🐿 The trip was timed to coincide with World Children's Day. The children not only talked to a variety of animals, but also discussed how to care for them and protect rare species from extinction. Our team also learned several new words in Hebrew on the topic “Animals”. Fluffy and prickly, slippery and clawed, very nimble and slow - each of the animals has found its admirer. The guys couldn’t part with their pets for a long time and were full of joy and positive emotions. #AJTTIR #Hesedclub

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