+373 533 74155

Volunteer Center

One of the activities of our organization is volunteering. Volunteers are people who are ready to sacrifice their own time, share their professionalism, knowledge, reputation and connections for the benefit of society, without material compensation for their work.

Almost every undertaking is not complete without the help of volunteers - sincere, kind, enterprising, sympathetic people. Volunteers of “wise age” accompany the elderly within the framework of the “Peer to peer” direction, give communication and precious support, and provide all possible assistance.

Volunteers of different ages participate in creative workshops, volunteer events, inform by phone, help with the delivery of food packages and the organization of events/lectures. With the support of volunteers, minor repairs of household items are carried out, as well as assistance is provided in the local area for lonely elderly people.

Volunteers of our center gain new acquaintances and communication, support, as well as the possibility of self-realization, feel their importance and contribution in the development of our region and the Community

Here are just a few ways to provide support:
  • Zparticipation in the activities of the center, community and cultural work: assistance in organizing lectures, creative workshops;
  • Zconsultations on various aspects of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Zhousehold assistance to clients - minor repairs of plumbing, furniture, household appliances, umbrellas, irons, etc.;
  • Zprovision of free primary legal advice;
  • Zassistance to project coordinators in providing targeted assistance;
  • Zparticipation in the distribution of charitable aid;
  • Zproduction of knitted products, crafts, handmade postcards;
  • Zaccompaniment of elderly people with limited mobility (execution of instructions, communication on the phone, congratulations on holidays)

You can also become a volunteer,be useful society as a whole!

Become a volunteer
4 weeks ago

🎭Representatives of the golden age of our community today had a unique opportunity to attend the premiere at the Pridnestrovian Drama and Comedy Theater named after. Aronetskaya and enjoy the play “The Temptation of Dorian Gray”. 🎭The main idea of the performance turned out to be deep and relevant: human vices and the hidden ugly soul cannot be hidden under the mask of a beautiful appearance. It is important to fight the very essence of our vices, not allowing selfishness to take over our soul. The gorgeous production plunged the audience into a world of temptation and internal struggle. Olga Yakimchenko’s dance performances immersed the viewer on stage in a special atmosphere. The performances of all the actors were mesmerizing. ✨ This production by director Denis Baburin left an unforgettable impression not only on our elderly, who will discuss and share their emotions for a long time, but also on all viewers. Bravo to the entire creative team for such an amazing performance! 🎭✨ 🔥🔥The production is fire! Thanks to the volunteers for the photo support! #RVC #HesedTiraspol

1 month ago

✂️This week a master class was held as part of the Volunteer Center RVC “Crazy Hands” project for our elderly clients, where they not only engaged in creative activities, but also developed their fine motor skills. Using decoupage techniques and elegant napkins, they created real masterpieces. Each participant carefully and slowly moved towards her goal. Time flew by, but it allowed me to bring my ideas to life and create wonderful works that will remind me of this day and its atmosphere. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

1 month ago

👍👩‍🔧Today our event became a real inspiration for our volunteers. 🪑The chair restoration workshop was not only an opportunity to give new life to unsightly objects, but also a step towards helping those in need in our Community. Our volunteers, with great dedication and inspiration, transformed old and worn-out chairs and stools into real works of art. ⚒🪑This small step in renovating furniture is a big step towards supporting the elderly in our community. Many of them have pieces of furniture at home that need repair, and our efforts are aimed at making their lives more comfortable and cozy. 🤝An incredibly positive atmosphere reigned during the work, and the enthusiasm of the participants was off the charts. Our plans for the future are ambitious, and we are confident that together we can achieve even greater heights in supporting our community members. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

1 month ago

❤️The meeting of Saturday in a sincere family atmosphere filled the hearts of those present with warmth and joy. Volunteers spent Shabbat within the walls of our Hesed on Friday. 🕯️ The candles burned brightly, reminding us of light and hope, and prayer 🙏 filled the space with peace. 🫶On this day, everyone felt unity with loved ones and with the world around us, and this made this Shabbat truly special. #HesedTiraspol #RVC

2 months ago

This week our volunteers, together with visitors to the Day Center, were engaged in creative work. Those who wished were able to make for themselves one of the most common Jewish symbols - hamsa. It is customary to place it at the entrance to the house. And our needlewoman Nina Sakovskaya shared her skills in making flowers from satin ribbons. “For me, handicrafts are the meaning of life, this is what I can share...” says Nina Yakovlevna. All participants were passionate about the process and filled with positive energy. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

3 months ago

The St. George Ribbon is a powerful symbol of victory and memory of the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. Our volunteers carried out a wonderful campaign "Victory Ribbon". The presentation of drawings from children from the Bendery Theoretical Lyceum added even more warmth and significance to this moment. The interaction of different generations in such events helps to preserve and convey the historical heritage and respect for veterans. The emotions that overwhelmed the representatives of the golden age of our community are probably a mixture of pride, gratitude and joy from such attention and care from the Volunteer Center RVC volunteers. Such events help bring different generations together and remind us of the importance of respect and support for the older generation. Victory Day is not only the day of victory over fascism, but also a day of remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives for peace and freedom. Let these bright names always be in our hearts, reminding us of the price of peace and goodness. Happy Victory Day! Glory to the heroes and memory of the fallen! #HesedTirasol #JDC #RVC

3 months ago

Thanks to the volunteers of Volunteer Center RVC, our Rybnitsa clients were able to plunge into the world of Facebook and learn a huge amount of new information! Three hours of training flew by unnoticed, because each of them tried to absorb as much knowledge as possible. Facebook is not just a social network, it is a whole world of possibilities. For older people, this is not only a chance to communicate and receive interesting information, but also an opportunity to acquire new knowledge, which is becoming increasingly important in our time. Older people often find it difficult to adapt to changes in the modern world, and this can make them feel anxious. Finding themselves in an information vacuum, they may feel isolated from the world around them. Therefore, it is so important for our volunteers to help representatives of the older generation master new technologies, open up new opportunities for them and share the knowledge necessary for a full life. The development of a non-formal education system for older people is a chance to help them realize their potential in the modern information space, discover new talents and enrich their lives with new knowledge. This is an important step towards ensuring that everyone, regardless of age, can feel confident and actively participate in society. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

3 months ago

🥳Yesterday and today our volunteers awarded the winners of the “Ethnic Diversity of Transnistria” competition, which we carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Education of the PMR. 👍The winners of the competition were high school students from Rybnitsa, Tiraspol and Bendery. Diplomas and gift certificates were a reward for their diligence and dedication to cultural heritage. 👏And teachers and scientific supervisors also received well-deserved recognition! Their work and efforts helped the students realize their potential and succeed in the competition. Their gift certificates became a symbol of gratitude for their work and dedication to teaching and educating the younger generation. This competition is just a small part of a larger puzzle that we are putting together for future generations. 🤩 Let this victory be an inspiration for all of us to continue to explore and appreciate our ethnic heritage! 🤝Congratulations to all the winners on their victory! ✍️PS All works will be posted on our website. #RVC #HesedTiraspol

3 months ago

🌿Spring is a wonderful time in our region, it greeted our elderly clients from Bendery and Tiraspol with joy and warmth. 😉Volunteers from our community organized an unforgettable trip to the land of flowers today. The Tiraspol arboretum blossomed in all its glory, decorated with cherry blossoms, a sea of colorful tulips, lush wisteria and fragrant lilacs. ✨The eyes of our clients sparkled with joy, they enjoyed every moment, capturing the beauty in memorable photographs. A walk through the arboretum was filled with emotions, aromas of spring and an abundance of greenery. For our elders, despite the difficulties with movement, such events are of great importance. 🫂Communication with the younger generation, the attention and care they receive from our volunteers make these outings especially important. Older clients need support and the opportunity to feel alive and involved in life. The spring trip to the land of flowers became for them a real gift of soul and heart. 👍Thank you, volunteers of the Volunteer Center RVC for such sincere meetings. #RVC #HesedTiraspol #good deeds

3 months ago

🧡 We thank all the volunteers who took part in Good Deeds Day, who make the world around them a little better! 💜 Do good deeds every day! #DoGoodDaily ℹ️ It is believed that the Almighty created the world incomplete - so that man could, fulfilling his destiny, correct this world and complete the process of Creation. At the same time, the path to correction is individual: for some, observing Shabbat, for others, helping those infected with HIV, for example. Therefore, there is no need for populist arguments about the actions of others; everyone has their own path and their own function in correcting the world. You just need to do good, because any actions, be it material deeds or spiritual work, are more important than endless reasoning. Volunteer Center RVC Haverim

3 months ago

👏Today was a great day! 👍Our volunteers did an incredible job on the Day of Good Deeds at the Tiraspol Children's Home. Together we transformed the playground, bringing joy and bright colors into the lives of children. It was a wonderful unity of generations, when students of the Faculty of Economics and Physics and Technology of the Transnistrian University, Hesed employees and representatives of the older generation of our community worked shoulder to shoulder. 👍The work was in full swing, the faded benches, horizontal bars and the entire playground of the Children's Home were transformed before our eyes, cartoon characters came to life. The guys also dug up trees throughout the area. 🤩 The result was pleasing - the site began to sparkle with bright colors. 👍The second team did good deeds in Rybnitsa. At the new Jewish cemetery, garbage was removed from all sectors and wild growth was cut down. In the old cemetery, the area next to the sarcophagus-mass grave, as well as the upper terrace, has been cleared of overgrowth. 👍And young representatives of our Community, as part of the World Good Deeds Day, visited a shelter for homeless animals in the city of Bendery. All participants in today's event received certificates of participation in this wonderful day. 🤝We express our deep gratitude to the sponsor of our event at the Farba-Group Children's Home @farbagroupp for the paint provided. 🥰Together today we made this world a little better and kinder. Thanks to everyone who took part in this noble event! Our team is the best! . ✨🌟#RVC #HesedTiraspol #HesedRybnitsa #Good Deeds #Volunteering #Strength of Unity #Tiraspol

4 months ago

Friends, there are only a few days left until our magical Good Deeds Day! We are ready to take on the challenge and transform the territory of the Children's Home to make it bright, cozy and joyful for little hearts. Be part of this incredible mission! We will dig up the trees, paint the railings, update the sports equipment and dim paintings with cartoon characters and create a magical atmosphere that will fill children's hearts with joy and smiles. Join us, because together we can do more! We are waiting for you at the event! Let's make children's lives brighter and happier together! 🌟🌈💖 Sign up by phone 77521135 We are waiting for YOU! April 14 at 10.00!!! #RVC #HesedTiraspol #Day of Good Deeds #Tiraspol

4 months ago

On Friday, within the walls of Hesed the Republican competition “Ethnic Diversity of Transnistria” was held, organized by volunteers of the Volunteer Center RVC together with the Ministry of Education. Students from Transnistrian schools presented the results of their painstaking research work in four exciting areas. The competition featured four sections, each of which reflected important aspects of the ethnic diversity of Transnistria. In the first section, participants talked about the formation and fate of the Jewish community in their locality, revealing historical facts and personal stories. The second section was dedicated to the tragedy of the Holocaust in the settlements of the competition participants, where schoolchildren shared their research and emotional impressions about this terrible period of history. The third section introduced famous Jews of the region, talking about their contribution to the culture, science and history of the area, and the fourth section introduced memorable Jewish places in cities and regions. The competition participants demonstrated not only their knowledge and research skills, but also the importance of preserving ethnic heritage and respect for differences. The event was a shining example of how education and culture can unite people of different ethnic groups in the pursuit of understanding and respect for each other. The winners will receive certificates and prizes, and the competition materials will be available on our website. #HesedTirasol #we remember #RVC

4 months ago

April 14 is the International Day of Good Deeds! On this day, we invite everyone to take part in a charity event and make the life of children from the Children's Home, together with our sponsors Farba-Group, brighter and more joyful (we will paint and decorate the walking area). The global Good Deeds Day movement unites residents in more than 109 countries around the world. Millions of people, thousands of organizations and companies around the world unite every year to help others free of charge. Together we can create small miracles and bring smiles to the faces of children who so need our support. Join us to do good together and leave a trace of light and warmth in the hearts of those who need our care! Let's together make this day unforgettable for everyone! 🌟💖 Call, register 775 21135-Anna , Let's make the world a better place together! Volunteer Center RVC #RVC #HesedTiraspol #good day #charity #children's home

4 months ago

Today, volunteers of the Volunteer Center RVC of the city of Rybnitsa organized a visit to the concert as part of the “Bohemia” project for our clients. The symphony concert led by G. Moseyko, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the city from the German-Romanian invaders, was simply unforgettable. Music from the film "Schindler's List" pierced the hearts of everyone present. There were tears in the eyes of our clients, emotions were overflowing. It was not just a concert, it was a real immersion in our history, making us think about the importance of peace and freedom. Thanks to the volunteers for this wonderful evening, for the opportunity to plunge into the world of music and art. #RVC #HesedTiraspol #our history

4 months ago

As a result of our charity event Volunteer Center RVC "Bring Joy", which took place from March 15 to 20, more than 15 kg of sweets were collected. During the campaign, we managed to collect and form bags of sweets for children from large families, which were handed over to their families. 20 children from Transnistria became the owners of these magical gifts! We express our deep gratitude to everyone who took part in this charity event. Your generosity and kindness have made this world a brighter and kinder place. Thanks to everyone who was with us and contributed to this magical holiday of joy and goodness! Together we were able to create a real miracle! Let's continue to do good deeds and fill the world with light and warmth. After all, together we can do anything! ✨🌟🎁 #RVC #HesedTiraspol #Bring Joy #Doing GoodDoes Miracles

4 months ago

🎉Purim is the most joyful holiday of the Jewish religious calendar, dedicated to the miraculous salvation of the Jewish people from death during Persian slavery. 🥳On this day it is customary to organize carnival processions, eat deliciously and drink a lot. In synagogues they read the Scroll of Esther, the part that tells the story of the salvation of the Jews. And then the solemn feast begins, the main treat of which is open khomentash pies, or “Haman’s ears.” Our Community celebrated this event in accordance with all the rules and laws 🪬On the eve of the holiday, representatives of the older generation collected gifts for friends (“mishloach manot”) and the poor (“matanot leevienim”), Volunteer Center RVC volunteers prepared festive masks and baked traditional sweet treats..In The Scroll of Esther was read to the synagogue.. 🥂And then there was a magnificent feast and fun with dancing, songs, costumes..as commanded on this day!. Chag Purim Sameach! #JDC #Hesedtiraspol #RVC

4 months ago

Today, as part of the Volunteer Center RVC "Theater People" project, our clients watched the play "Savage". It was a story about love, about how feelings oppose cold rationalism and win. Over the course of two acts, the viewer was confronted with philosophical questions that made them think. Are education and a tailcoat enough to be considered a human being? Where is the line between morality and vulgarity that is so easy to cross? Are material values equal in importance to spiritual values? Do wealth, position and connections in society make a person worthy? All these issues will definitely be discussed by our theatergoers. In this story, in its intricate twists and turns, one true and eternal truth flashed - the main spiritual wealth of a person is his ability to love. Love that can save a person and his world from soulless vanity and cold calculation. After all, only in love do we find true happiness, true peace and endless joy. #RVC #HesedTiraspol #JDC

4 months ago

On the eve of Purim, our Volunteer Center RVC volunteers not only baked Homentash cookies for the festive table at an event dedicated to Purim, they created a real miracle, symbolizing the victory over evil and the salvation of our people. This holiday is filled with meaning and meaning, it reminds us of the importance of unity, mutual assistance and creativity. Master classes on making masks as part of the “Crazy Hands” project became a true creative holiday, where everyone could feel like they were part of a great story. A creative atmosphere and positive mood reigned at the master classes. Everyone was able to try on the gorgeous masks, which were made thanks to the skillful hands of volunteers and our clients, at the event dedicated to Purim. And how wonderful that our elders were also involved in this magic! The festive event within the framework of the Synagogue project became true proof that age is not an obstacle to joy and fun. Thanks to everyone who makes this world brighter and kinder! May Purim bring us only joy, luck and prosperity! 🎉✨🍪🎭🕍 #RVC #HesedTiraspol #Purim #CrazyHands #Synagogue #Volunteers #Unity #Creativity #Joy

4 months ago

⚡2 days left until the end of the promotion!!!⚡ 🙏 You have time to join us!🙏 Do a good deed, make the children happy! 🫶🫶 🎁 WHERE YOU CAN LEAVE GIFTS:🎁 1. Tiraspol, Hesed Charity Center st. Kotovsky, 14. 2. Bendery: st. Tkachenko 18, hotel "Prietenia" 1 floor 3. Rybnitsa, Charity center "Hesed" st. Kirov (new office) ☎️Inquiries by phone. 77521135 #RVC #JDC #hesedtiraspol